happy easter everyone! so i haven't posted in decades but here i am! since it's summer i've been reading, watching and sleeping most of the time. i don't focus much on social networking sites except for twitter and tumblr, which i can easily access on my iphone. i basically use the sites where i can easily access without the use of my computer
easter is doing good! before easter,me and my family went to 14 different kinds of church (i think it's called 14 stations idk) it's the first time i went to church in months! i rarely go to church because of 2 reasons; first of all, i hate the fact that some christians are judgemental to me in church, yes! in church! i always see them looking and whispering, it annoys me. other than that, i don't see the point why people go to church to pray for their sins and after that repeat their sins over again. don't get me wrong, like i've said before, i strongly, deeply believe and love God but i just don't practice any religion. i know it's an unpopular opinion (i think) but who cares.i'm not the type of person who tries to hide what he/she feels all the time, but of course i try to make my statements polite as possible. :)